Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Homeland of the Inuit

The Inuit mainly inhabit the northern regions and coastlines of Alaska and Canada, and the central and southern regions of Greenland. There are approximately 16,581 Inuit living in the United States (14,718 in Alaska alone), 50,480 living in Canada, and 51,365 living in Greenland.
Source: Wikipedia

The land which the Inuit inhabit is full of mountains, glaciers, tundra, and ice and snow. The majority of these regions are either tundra or permanently covered ice or snow. Since the ground is almost always covered in permafrost, it makes any kind of agriculture nearly impossible. Therefore, the Inuit have to rely on nutrients gotten from raw meats and fish.
The climate of the these regions is characterized by long, freezing winters and short, cool summers. In parts of the Arctic, the warmer temperatures in the summer cause some of the ice to melt, letting the ground underneath warm up quickly and increasing temperatures even more. The average temperature in July can range from 14°F to 50°F, and the average January temperature can range from -40°F to 32°F. 

The geography of the Arctic region varies immensely. There are mountain ranges, like the Innuitian Mountains, the Arctic and Hudson Bay lowland ranges, and the Arctic Watershed. This Arctic Watershed drains waters from all of Northern Territories and Nunavut into the Arctic Ocean.

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